The entire family at Beho Beho are committed to one thing - your enjoyment of this very special place. From the moment you arrive in camp you are our honoured guest and our focus is upon you enjoying your stay with us. Beho Beho is slightly different from other safari camps in that we truly host your stay. Sometimes it feels to us like a never ending house party, new arrivals are soon 'embraced' by the family and established guests, friendships are made whilst being 'awed' by the natural beauty of Nyerere National Park and around candlelit dinner tables under the stars. When it is time to leave there is no sadness for it has been fun – some guests even say ‘life changing’ and it is always possible to come back and rejoin the party - as many of our guests do.
In order to keep up the ‘house party’ style we like our guests to relax, to feel at home and let the Beho Beho family take the strain. Our rates are fully inclusive of everything so there is nothing to pay whilst you are staying in camp and no horrible extras bill to spoil the holiday.
We try our best to get a good selection of food and drink to the camp, but you must appreciate that we are really situated in 'deepest bush' so perhaps there is not quite the selection you might be used to. But if you let us know in advance if you have any special likes or dislikes then we will try our best to make sure that your stay is complete with your 'favourite things'

Meals at Beho Beho tend to be a 'moveable feast' and are not always confined to the 'breakfast, lunch and dinner' of a normal safari itinerary. But this does not mean that you will go hungry - far from it, we are conscious that the fresh African air stimulates a good appetite - so it is not unusual to have a snack breakfast on an early game drive, followed by an early brunch, or a late bush breakfast followed by an early afternoon tea. This is better than rushing back to camp for meals and allows the guides to see how the game situation develops and to allow you the best opportunities to see the wonders of Nyerere National Park. It has been said that at Beho Beho we don’t let meals spoil a good game experience – but also that we never let anyone leave without having gained a few pounds!
All meals at Beho Beho are taken 'family style' with guests and guides sitting together. Dinner is always the main event of the day, either under the stars, on the 'parade ground', by the pool, in the Eagle's nest, or even in the bush - you can rest assured that wherever it is it will be a memorable experience. After dinner we usually move into après - safari mode either around the bar or billiards table, or just quiet conversation after yet another wonderful day in the bush.